COVID-19 Safety

Welcome to Middleton Salon! We are so thrilled to have you as our guest. As we get back to “normal” in the salon, there are some guidelines we will be following.

For your safety, and ours, all mandated protective measures shall be adhered to until further notice by the state. To ensure the safety of our clients and stylists, we are following all CDC, OSHA, and California State Board of Cosmetology guidelines.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this together.

Things to expect at your next appointment:

  • You will receive a wellness waiver prior to your appointment. Please read through carefully.

  • Your appointment MUST be cancelled/rescheduled if you or anyone you have been around, is experiencing a fever, any flu-like symptoms, or has symptomatic people in their household.

  • Do not come inside to wait for your appointment. We ask that you remain in your car, and call or text your stylist upon arrival. Your stylist will let you know when they are ready, and will meet you outside to record your temperature. We will not have a waiting area.

  • Please communicate with your stylist if you have ANY questions or concerns at this time.

  • Only the person receiving scheduled services will be allowed inside the salon. So please, NO additional guest. This includes spouses, children, and friends. There are no exceptions, so please do not ask.

  • If your child has an appointment, please make sure both of you are okay with the child being in the salon without the parent. Your stylist may provide you with a consent form.

  • Both you and your stylist are required to wear a mask during the entire service. Please make sure to bring 1 or 2 masks with loops that fit around your ears. Also, please keep in mind, your mask could become stained with color if receiving a color service.

    (Disposable face masks may be available for purchase. Please notify your stylist in advance if you have forgotten yours.)

  • Please wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer immediately upon entry.

  • We are so happy to see you! But please, no hugging or handshaking.

  • Please arrive with clean/dry hair. Washed within 48 hours.

  • Please limit what you bring into the salon (laptops, extra bags, etc.).

  • Beverage stations, treats, and magazines have been prohibited in the salon. We ask that if you bring your own beverage, it’s in a cup with a lid.

  • All stations have been spaced a minimum of 6 feet apart. We ask that while in the salon, you adhere to the 6 foot social distancing guidelines.

  • All stations, high touch areas, and surfaces will be sanitized and cleaned between each client. This includes individual towels, smocks, and drapes.

We know this is an adjustment for everyone. Our main concern is everyone’s health and safety.

We will be working diligently to keep our space sanitized and safe. Thank you for your cooperation, understanding, and support!

🖤 Middleton Salon